【cooking class 開催の思い】 日本の食をbentoを通じて知ってもらいたい

心を込めておいしい食べ物を詰める日本のbento (おべんとう)。海外からの観光客にもぜひこの日本文化を知ってもらいたいと鎌倉の自宅でbento cooking class を始めた松野さん峯島さんにその思いを語ったいただきました。


M&M Kamakura Bento Cookingは、訪日観光客に日本の食を、海外でも知られるようになってきた「おべんとう」作りという「体験」を通じ、味わうだけでなく、思い出として持ち帰っていただきたいという思いから始めました。




M&M Kamakura Bento Cooking https://goo.gl/zTsXu6


M&M Kamakura Bento Cooking is where you can learn about home-style Japanese cuisine through making bento, or lunch packed in a box. We named our cooking studio after our family names: Yoko Mineshima and Reiko Matsuno. After spending busy days for working in Tokyo, we both eventually moved to Kamakura with hope for doing something new. Kamakura attracts many foreign visitors with its richness in historical sites and nature. As we both have some experience in teaching and living in the States, we came up with an idea that we can help foreign visitors understanding Japanese culture through food. You can enjoy fancy Japanese food at restaurants, but we thought nothing is better than food we eat at home every day for foreign visitors to get known our food culture.

At our class, we show how to make home-style Japanese dishes and participants can enjoy making roll sushi. As participants are from a variety of countries, we choose more familiar ingredients for fillings of sushi such as Teriyaki chicken, cheese, or avocado. And to my surprise, most of them use chopsticks very well and what interests them most is wasabi mayonnaise.

As we started the class, we found more Japanese are interested “to learn English through cooking.” Most of participants, unexpectedly are Japanese, which we are glad. For non-Japanese participants, we will try to show how wonderful Japanese food culture including manners when you eat. For Japanese participants, we will let them know that communication is much easier through food we eat every day.



フードライター。ファッション専門誌「WWDジャパン」を経て、フリーライターに。20年程前から、「食」中心に一般誌、専門誌、書籍で取材・執筆。09年から、スペインの製菓専門誌「so good..」の日本担当記者。2017年に友人とともに鎌倉で外国人向けのBento教室を開き、日本の食文化を海外に知ってもらうために活動中。



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